Monthly:December 2024
Mount Wilson Search 16 December 2024 Today we were looking for a bushwalker who has been missing for a couple of days in Mount Wilson. Our first tasking was a side creek of Waterfall Creek and was easy.Our second tasking was below Wynnes Rock Lookout: this was a scrubby mess but it was interesting.The third tasking took us to a rocky outcrop. Surprisingly there was a track below the cliff line although there was nothing outstanding to look at.We were […]
Bush-Bashed 14 December 2024 It looked easy on the topo map: two fire trails and a track: two hours max should do it! Then off track to a creek and down to the major creek and some exploration. Little did we know! We left early, drove to the locked gate and we were on our way! The first fire trail was a bona fide one! The second one was a fire trail in a former life: this was confirmed by […]
Three Stone Arrows 12 December 2024 Another hot day, another creek! Today: Explorers Brook! The ridge we followed must have been a fire trail a long time ago: two tracks were visible in one spot but it was mostly covered with vegetation. The views were fantastic! The trifecta: Mount Hay, Mount Tomah and Mount Banks. We found an old campsite with rusty metal parts and further along a cairn in the shape of an arrow! We continued to the end […]
XXXXX 5 December 2024 This creek had been on my wish list for a long time. The upper section is nice and enclosed by cliffs. I was curious about the lower section… A few 100 metres in and the creek opened up, inviting the sun and the vegetation. There were a few interesting sections but nothing outstanding. In any case it was the right place to be on a hot sunny day!