Monthly:September 2024

The Spur

100 m Along Coolana Brook

A 100 m Along Coolana Brook 29 September 2024 I had planned to do Scorpion Hill in May but Parks did a hazard reduction in the area: the plan was shelved! Then Coolana Brook and Scorpion Hill were on the program and I jumped at the chance! Four brave souls followed the Woodford Oaks Trail and descended towards Coolana Brook. The cliffs were easy to go through but things changed when we reached the creek that led to Coolana Brook! […]

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In The Ferns

Another Day Of Bushbashing!

Another Day Of Bushbashing! – TO DO 17 September 2024 The goal was a set of pagodas 1.5 km south of Noble’s Canyon. The navigation was straightforward, the vegetation was not! It took us two hours to reach the first set of pagodas: the views were worth it! So was the tea break! We continued on to the edge of the cliffline. After faffing around, we found a passage that led us among a maze of pagodas and ferns through […]

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