Mount Wilson Search
Mount Wilson Search
Today we were looking for a bushwalker who has been missing for a couple of days in Mount Wilson.
Our first tasking was a side creek of Waterfall Creek and was easy.
Our second tasking was below Wynnes Rock Lookout: this was a scrubby mess but it was interesting.
The third tasking took us to a rocky outcrop. Surprisingly there was a track below the cliff line although there was nothing outstanding to look at.
We were then sent to Du Faurs Rocks which promised to be a hot search area! We stopped at the Mount Wilson Fire Station to get water and discovered cold cans of Coke and Solo: this hit the spot nicely!
Refreshed, we searched the area below the lookout and cliff line and came back empty-handed which is a good thing.
The fifth tasking took us back to Waterfall Creek: we were to search between the creek and Queens Avenue. This turned out to be difficult due to vegetation: lawyer vine and a shrub with 2 to 3 cm thorns: my secateurs were working overtime! There was no way a person would have gone through this. The tasking was modified and we were to search above the Upper Falls. From the bottom to mid-slope, it was steep but fine. Higher up I found myself stuck into a barrier of lawyer vine and the above mentioned shrub! Fortunately I was guided to freedom by my fellow searchers.
No luck today! The search will continue tomorrow!
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