Mount Wilson Search

Mount Wilson Search

Today we were looking for a bushwalker who has been missing for a couple of days in Mount Wilson.

Our first tasking was a side creek of Waterfall Creek and was easy.
Our second tasking was below Wynnes Rock Lookout: this was a scrubby mess but it was interesting.
The third tasking took us to a rocky outcrop. Surprisingly there was a track below the cliff line although there was nothing outstanding to look at.
We were then sent to Du Faurs Rocks which promised to be a hot search area! We stopped at the Mount Wilson Fire Station to get water and discovered cold cans of Coke and Solo: this hit the spot nicely!
Refreshed, we searched the area below the lookout and cliff line and came back empty-handed which is a good thing.
The fifth tasking took us back to Waterfall Creek: we were to search between the creek and Queens Avenue. This turned out to be difficult due to vegetation: lawyer vine and a shrub with 2 to 3 cm thorns: my secateurs were working overtime! There was no way a person would have gone through this. The tasking was modified and we were to search above the Upper Falls. From the bottom to mid-slope, it was steep but fine. Higher up I found myself stuck into a barrier of lawyer vine and the above mentioned shrub! Fortunately I was guided to freedom by my fellow searchers. 

No luck today! The search will continue tomorrow!

In The Rainforest
Searching The Creek
Finding A Way Down Below Wynnes Rock Lookout
Cave Below Wynnes Rock
Below Wynnes Rock Lookout
Resting At Wynnes Rock Lookout
Views On Mount Tomas And Mount Haystack
Below The Unnamed Rocky Outcrop
Below Du Faurs Rocks
Back On The Top Of Du Faurs Rocks
Previous Bush-Bashed

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