Rock Climbing Initiation
Rock Climbing Initiation
8 November 2023
I had wanted to take a rock climbing course for a while as I feel hopeless when confronted by a wall of sandstone. So I bit the bullet and registered with the Blue Mountains Climbing School in Blackheath (and no I am not paid to say that).
After getting fitted out, our group relocated to Medlow Bath and down to the Sunbath climbing area. Our guide set up the rope and we took turns climbing and belaying. The first face was a grade of 8 or 9 Surprisingly I enjoyed myself: it felt so secured being on ropes! Then we relocated further around to Mañana and Until Death Do Us Part, grade 14 and 12 respectively. The wall looked tall! Although I was nervous, I did enjoy myself immensely!
Rock Climbing The Sunbath
Blue Mountains / Medlow Bath
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