A Lawson Wander

A Lawson Wander

A blah day: so I decided to visit some of Lawson historical attractions. I called a friend and this became a dog walk.
The so-called Convict Pit which was likely a grain silo, was first on the list. However I got lost in the Lawson industrial area as usual and ended up on Baths Road. We decided to check the Hazelbrook Baths remnants. This must have been a delightful place. Nature has now taken over and the Baths are in a sorry state!
The silo was next on the list. After a bit of confusion as to its location, we finally reached the pit and explored around it.
Then it was a quick stop to admire the neglected but still standing watertrough!

We crossed the highway to Wilson Park and the swimming pool. The relief map of Australia has beenĀ  recently renovated and I wanted to see the result! Council did a great job. Mount Kosciuszko was both recognisable and unrecognisable: recognisable because it was the tallest point on the map and unrecognisable because of the shape. We wandered around Wilson Park.
We then decided to walk to Fairy Falls down the road but the track was quite muddy so we turned back after reaching the falls!

Last stop was Old Man Kangaroo, a well-preserved aboriginal engraving of a kangaroo. The pine needles delineated the shape perfectly!

The Old Hazelbrook Baths
End Of The Baths
The Old Hazelbrook Baths
Concrete Steps
The Convict Pit
Pick Marks
One Of The Trees Planted In Memory of WW2 Veterans
Thompson Falls
Pond With Island
Relief Map Of Australia.
Relief Map Of Australia.
Wilson Park
Fairy Falls
Old Man Kangaroo
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Next Darwin's Walk
Dam And Old Pool

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