Secret Wild Swimming Spots

Secret Wild Swimming Spots

Not one secret swimming hole spot but at least four! The water is divine, the cliff setting unforgettable but there is a catch! Three kilometres of bush-bashing, plenty of vines and scrub, cliff negotiating and a 350 m ascent including a steep 150 m ascent complete with a thick layer of lawyer vine!

It took us  three hours or so to reach a small creek and by that time, it was getting hot! After a quick rest, we reached the first swimming hole: a long pool and everybody was in the water! 

We followed the main creek making sure to jump in the water from time to time! We exited via a tributary and up a steep spur with thickets of lawyer vines which exhausted me! Once at the top the going was easy but we still had a long walk back to the car! 

A memorable walk! 

First Cliffline
Interesting Rock With Tessallations
Negotiating Clifflines
Nice Forest
Pregnant Angophora
More Clifflines To Negotiate
Small Waterfall
Green Scarab
The First Wild Swimming Spot
Lovely Pool
Large Tree
Rock Platform
Another Wild Swimming Spot With Several Spa Pools
Another Large Pool
Wild Swimming
Rock With An Eye
Tranquil Pool
Another Tempting Pool
More Wading!
Large Tree On The Way Up
Old Cable
Lizard Laying Eggs
Face In The Rock
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Rainforest Magic

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